January 18, 2014
The Platinum Experience began outside the venue. After our names and IDs were checked we were escorted into the "green room". After a brief introduction and explanation regarding what to expect, I was less nervous than I thought I would be. I didn't realize and didn't expect Barry to be just across the hall.
I saw him immediately once the door was open. Although he was just standing watching me walk towards him, I don't really recall walking. He was wearing a dark jacket that had a dark muted sort of plaid. Kirsten introduced me, "Barry, this is Sally." "Who?" She repeated my name and we both said nice to meet you. He asked if I was from the area to which I replied that - no I was from Milwaukee.
We had a fun conversation about the freakin' cold Milwaukee temps. He asked how cold it got and I said -17 or so. He asks what happens when its that cold. I said that often when you go out in those temps your eyes will water and the tears freeze to your face. Then I remembered there were others in the room - Kristin Kief taking photos, Marc H and Sasha - because they all gave a yikes noise at that. Barry said he saw on the news about this guy who when out in -20 to see if his pee would freeze and it did. (It was pretty surreal hearing Barry Manilow talk about peeing.) I said that if it were much colder there could be other problems with that. He asked if I had to go out in that weather. I told him I didn't because I was able to work from home.
Just when I was afraid we were going to only talk about the weather he asked if I've seen his shows before. I didn't tell him how many but I replied that I had and that I'd seen the show the night before. I mentioned that I like the new stuff and it was fun. I also told him I'd seen Harmony in Atlanta and thought it was wonderful. He just nodded and said "we'll see what happens."
Then he called for us to take the photo. He put his arm around my waist so I put mine around his - I could feel both his back and his monitor.
We turned toward each other again and he asked how long we've been together. (Love the way he asked.) I told him since This Ones For You and he gave that approving nod. Marc also added "since the 70's!".
Next he turned to sign the program, which I had been very happy to learn was still that same one that includes two of my photos. As he turned I asked if he would sign a photo that I took. He said sure and gave me the book. I turned to the page and he looked and me with those gorgeous blue eyes bulging like he does and exclaimed, "You took that photo!" The other 3 in the room moved closer to see which one it was and also seemed surprised that I'd taken it. Of course I assured them that I took it. Then Barry blew my freakin' mind when he said this was his favorite picture. He then called for Marc or Sacha to get a different pen so he could sign on the dark space. (only had a black Sharpie because he was otherwise signing the cover which has grey tones) I learned later from one of the other Plat people that there was a bit of a ruckus
while they were trying to find the pen. But that definitely was to my benefit because we got to continue our conversation.
He told me that they purposefully put that next to his note because he liked it so much. He added that they wanted to something else with it like make a poster but that just didn't happen. He asked if I have "others like this". I honestly can't remember but I think I replied, "heck yea" (in my Milwaukean way). I added that I have sent photos to Mark for the UK site. They all including Barry almost in unison said "Oh Mark - but you should send them to John Adams." Barry told me they would tell Tammy and she was to hook my up. Tammy didn't mention anything when left and got my things.
He continued and ask - "You have more like this". I told him that I do but I assured him that I watch the show and didn't hold my camera up the whole show. He asked how I do that. I told him I get him in the frame, click, but I look up and the camera takes multiples. He repeated what my explanation. "You just get me in the frame, and look up." "Yep".
I think it was Sacha who added "who else would let his fans take the photos for a tour book." There was a chorus from me, Marc and Kirsten - "No one." I agreed that fans take the best photos because we know the show and him. I laughingly told him that he messed me up a little last night with the new stuff.
Then the pen arrived. As Barry was writing Marc told me to hold the book open for a bit so it would dry. Barry confirmed that I should do that then he blew on what he'd written in my book. (HOLY SHIT!!!!!) He handed me the book and said very sincerely with a tilted head as he grabbed my arm - "You are so talented." This didn't compute in my brain and I looked at him blankly. I got out a "Thank you" as I just gently grabbed his forearm. I didn't read it until I was out of the room…."Sally - This is my favorite photo ever! With Love and Thanks, Barry Manilow" (HOLY SHIT some more!!!)