Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So - yea - I got nothin'.....

I decided to change the name of my blog. I got nothin' is a favorite saying of mine.

I guess just don't always feel like sharing the details of my life....and so here I am blogging. But this is a different forum and no one has to read this if they don't want to. Versus in a conversation the listener is at the mercy of the speaker.

I recently heard a something on the radio - probably NPR - about the lost art of conversation. I confess, I'm not big on conversation.

On a relatively regular basis I lunch with 3 other women at work. What I enjoy about this group is that there isn't a conversation hog. We seem to have a nice balance of sharing and listening. There are even times when the conversation lags, amazing amongst 4 women.

My husband and I go for walks at least a few times a week. We have great conversations during these walks. I'm not sure why, maybe its the rhythm of the stride. I digress.

Most people want to talk about their interests and experiences. For me my favorite topic is Barry Manilow. Yet some just like to hear the sound of their own voice......

This forum is so open yet so daunting. Not know who might read anything does lead to some guardedness (again - is this a word). It will be an evolution I'm sure.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A few photos from Barry Manilow's Birthday show at the Las Vegas Hilton:

Friday, August 15, 2008

My first Blog entry

Hey there - to anyone who happens upon this little spot in cyberworld.
At the ripe ol' age of 45, I'm learning to blog. Gotta keep up with the kids.

It will be obvious that I am not a writer but what the heck.

I guess I'll start by talking about things I will likely touch on as time goes by.

A topic that will come up frequently is Barry Manilow. I'm a long time, make that long long time fan. At present I'm sitting in my backyard listening to his Summer of '78 on iTunes. More, much more about him later.

I'm married (20yrs) and childfree by choice. That topic will come up at times I'm sure too. This was a easy decision made years ago. As the years go by I am more and more certain I made the right choice, choice being the optimal word.

Choices in life will likely also be a topic touched on here and there.

If I weren't sitting with my computer now, I'd probably be in the exact same spot but with a book. I enjoy reading especially during the summer when I can sit outside with a book.

I also confess to enjoying TV. I watch a variety of shows, drama and reality - always disgussable (is that a word?)

Of course you never know what will pop up in daily life - family, work, neighbors, politics, etc.

So here goes nothing......